
What I do

After a shitty night... A night that made me realize how much I can suck at times...

Today I woke up around 9 and stayed awake in bed for 2 or 3 hours because my house is fucking cold. I hate winter with a flaming passion. With summer, being too hot does suck sometimes but whatever. I don't mind sweating occasionally and I love not having to wear a lot of clothing. WINTER, though! Fucking A! In Boston at least, the winters are absolutely horrible. It HURTS to be cold. It is PAINFUL. Even if you're wearing thirty layers and are mildly warm in some places of your body, your face is still going to be FUCKING FREEZING. I absolutely love Boston. I really do. When I am out of college though, I am moving far far away. Or at least for the winter. Being too hot in the summer is uncomfortable, sure, but being cold in the winter gets to the point of agonizing pain far too often.

After getting out of bed, I moped around for another hour or so. Because that's what I always do after I come to the realization that I suck. I mope. I brood. I wallow in my shit. Eventually, I got sick of moping. So I did what I always do when I need a pick me up. Took a shower and had some adderol.

I cleaned my room. It looks nice. I changed my sheets. I looked through and cut up some magazines. I'm doing fine I guess.

And then I sat on the computer for the rest of the night. Taking a few breaks in between. You know, to take a piss and grab some grub and whatnot. All day I've been listening to albums. ALL DAY. I never used to be an album person, I just downloaded what people say are the best songs from the artist. Recently though, I've been going through a super album phase. I listen to an album over and over and over again. and I love it. I love getting an album and listening to it until my ears bleed. But I'm downloading albums too fast for me to listen to them all. Since the beginning of November, I've obtained 3000 new songs. that's alot of albums to listen to.

Today I listened to Girl Talk, Minutemen, Bad Religion, the Magnetic Fields, Amanda Palmer, and Elliott Brood.

I have about 20 other fucking albums to listen to too and I'm psyched.

I'm spending my Saturday night at home by myself though. And I've been home all day. And I'm going to be home all day tomorrow too. There's got to be something wrong with me.

And winter is making me so goddamn depressed. D:

1 comment:

John F. said...

Is it me, or did this cold weather come out of nowhere, and get really bad really quickly? I know it should be a bit chilly, but it should not be 10 goddamned degrees when I leave for work in the morning.