
5 o' clock on Friday morning I heard a big bang right outside my window and my power went out. It was too cold to get up and look outside so I stayed in my bed while my parents ran around the house and checked on the status of the house and whatnot. Apparently a huge tree limb fell and ripped the wires right out of my house. We called the electric company or the police or whatever and told them but the whole town was calling them too because HOLY SHIT my town looks like a war zone right now. What, with there being wires and trees on every side street.

I didn't have school that morning. I wouldn't have gone even if we did have school, because why in the bloody hell would I want to get ready for school in the freezing cold with no electricity? My mom tried getting me up though and at least finding out if we had school. I just went back to sleep.

When I woke up it was freezing in my house. We had no electricity, heat, or hot water. D: So I went to my neighbors to see if they had anything either. They had a generator and a pellet stove so it was warm in there but they didn't have any electricity either. They were bitching because the reason they didn't have electricity was because the “pine queen” next door refused to cut down any of the trees leaning towards their house.

Because of the MASSIVE town outage though, I didn't have school for a couple of days! YAY! and since I'm a senior I'm not going to have to make up those snow-days at the end of the year. I get out of school in may! :D

Not having electricity wasn't all that bad. I caught up on some things I needed to do and read some good books. Plus, candlelight is fun.

I got my electricity back today though. and tomorrow I have school.

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