
How was your day, good sir?

yesterday was nice.

Around noon, I went to the woods with some close friends. We spent practically the whole day there and the weather was SO nice. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't really too hot. It was f-ing PERFECT.

They showed me some striped tree that has to do with an ongoing scavenger hunt thing between them and some other girl that it is so intense I really just need to devote an entire post to it, so that'll come later. maybe. probably not. Anyways they painted a tree purple and yellow striped in the middle of the woods. It's pretty fucking tall too. I was really impressed. Only I would have friends that would spend time to paint a tree head to toe in the middle of the woods. Freaks. haha it really was pretty trippy though. Imagine walking through the woods and finding a bright striped tree. There was also a ton of some really pretty flower that was the same exact color as the purple of the tree. Mike told me it was an endangered flower and he's never seen so many in the woods. I took pictures but I have yet to upload them.

After a while of walking through the woods, we had a picnic at a small filled in rock quarry. Before we ate though we smoked salvia.

Interesting, to say the least.

It felt like things were folding in and everything was just infinitely repeating in front of me. It was kind of like one of those psychedelic pictures of an image that goes on forever. I can't even explain it. I was sitting down on a big rock ledge and for some reason, sitting there was SO uncomfortable. You know when you sit on grass and it makes imprints on your skin? Well sitting on the rock left crazy looking imprints on my legs. I didn't like the feeling of sitting there on that rock at all, so I got up and started walking around. Apparently, I decided it would be a good idea to sit down in a bush. I was consumed by the bush. I WAS the bush.

Afterwards, we ate some fruit salad and baguette. The fruit salad tasted absolutely amazing.

Basically, I spent 5 hours just sitting in the woods with my friends. I'm excited to be leaving my crappy high school but its pretty sad knowing that it won't ever be like this again. I'm not going to have the chance to waste days with my friends anymore. It's going to be weird not hanging out with when I've seen him almost everyday for 14 years.

Tuesday night was also the night of the prom I didn't go to. We went to the after prom breakfast though. It reminded me of a 5th grade dance. and it wasn't even a breakfast! I was expecting to pig out on bacon and pancakes or something but nooooooooooo. They had pizza AND a chocolate fondue fountain. That's all they had.

SO, crappy music, bad dancers, and no breakfast.

oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool new photo Amy!