
Shit fuck hell damn shit fuck shit
Shit-for-brains asshole dickweed all right
You're a motherfucker and I hate you
Fuck shit hell damn shit fuck
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
I'm pissed
I'm pissed
I'm so pissed off
I'm so fucking pissed
You take everything and then you left me
You took all my shit you left me nothing
Now I'm getting really angry
I feel like I'm gonna fucking explode
You think you're gonna get away with this?
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
I'm pissed
I'm pissed
I'm so pissed off
I'm so fucking pissed
Shit-for-brains asshole fuckface
You're a motherfucker and I hate you
Shit fuck hell damn shit fuck
You can eat the corn out of my shit
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
I'm pissed
I'm pissed
I'm so pissed off
I'm so fucking pissed
I've been so mad lately

This is how I feel when people blow me off, don't call me, and say some bullshit story to cover it up.

If you don't want to hang out with me...

FIRSTLY Don't make fucking plans with me and build it up so high that I really am excited to see you and then BLOW ME OFF

SECONDLY If you all of a sudden don't want to hang out, ex. If you have a hangover or just don't feel like hanging out, YOU CAN FUCKING TELL ME. I wouldn't mind it if you said "I woke up feeling like shit today, rain date?"

FUCKING CALL ME! Instead of leaving me fucking hanging all day!

You should fucking call me and tell me you can't hang out rather than leaving me fucking clueless, feeling like absolute SHIT, waiting for your fucking call!

Fuck you fuck you fuck you
fuck you fuck you fuck you

i'm pissed
i'm pissed
i'm so pissed off
i'm so fucking pissed

Really though, why do you have to be such an asshole? Do you like to make me feel like shit? You go from being the sweetest guy to being a complete prick. WTF? Even if you aren't making up a lame excuse to get out of hanging out with me, and you're telling the truth, you should still fucking call me so I'm not waiting around for you all day.

God dammit, I wish I was just asexual and a sociopath so guys wouldn't make me feel like shit all the time.

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