
When I started taking BC, I made the decision that I would keep my empty BC packages in case I wanted to do something with them. I thought, these could make some pretty cool looking art, so why not collect them? Well I did. And I had like 30 of these packages.

Now, I knew I would probably NEVER use them... So being the GENEROUS person that I am, I decided to bring them to the "ReStore" at my school. Artist's love useless shit, so we have a store that you can donate your crap to and get crap in return. There's some pretty neat stuff in there.

So I've got my tissue box full of BC packages and I go there.. and the guy there tells me he can't take it.


are you fucking kidding me? If I gave him one, I can see why he wouldn't take it. But I wanted to give him 3 YEARS WORTH of BC packages.

I figured some hippy/feminist/artist might be like "OH SCORE" and make some kickass sculpture or art with them. Like I was going to do. If I had any ideas. Or if I felt like it.

I'm pretty(reaaaaallllyyyy) angry right now. In my fit of rage/feeling like an idiot, I threw them away in the trash. THEY WERENT TRASH. I feel like going back there and chucking the entire trash can at his ignorant fucking closedminded head.

He... laughed at me. I feel like such a fucking idiot but I shouldn't because I know I'm right. I BROUGHT JUNK TO A "RE-STORE"



I really wish I didn't throw them away :(

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