
I did absolutely NOTHING today

and it felt awesome.

Now I just want someone to do that with.



I got my license! YAY!

I was nominated for one of the best art achievement awards at my school! YAY!

4 days left of high school forever! AND I only have to take one final! YEAH!

I'm driving to Montreal tomorrow! to see Animal Collective! and I'm 18 so I can go to the bars there! with my friends! YEAY!

In two weeks I'm going to see X in Boston! Kickass! I'M 18! YEAH!

I'm enrolled in Massachusetts college of art for next year! and I'm dorming in Boston!

so far, things are looking pretty awesome. I'm happy that I'm happy. The only thing I can think of that kind've sucks is the fact that I don't have a date for prom, so I'm probably not going. I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND why guys don't pursue me though. It blows. and I don't want to go to prom with a girlfriend or anything.

I don't know, maybe I'll go. It doesn't seem worth the money y'know? 75$ for a ticket, then a dress and shoes, then transportation and stuff